Full experience and learning of the true Tantra

Amethyst Dharma Center

Milano (Italy)





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Learning and experiencing the Tantra

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Tantra seminars , whorkshops and courses in Milan

Tantra workshops and courses in Milan

My Tantra courses are divided in three levels of training.

Each level can be achieved during a weekend.

The courses deal gradually with each aspect of Tantra: internal work (emotions and mind, with aid of meditation, sound, etc.) and external work, on relationships, on sacred sexuality, and on the connection to the universe and the magical use of cosmic energies.

During first level course, you will be trained in:

  • being aware of universal energy and your personal energy

  • realizing the sacrality of life

  • being aware of your masculine and feminine energy

  • recognizing sacredness in each relationship with every human being

  • contacting your depth shakti through experience of touch, massage and sacred sexuality

During first level training, you will receive the first abhisheka (ritual initiation) to first degree level in Amethyst Tantra Yoga


Second and third level courses will give a more depth training in tantric path, with parts related to mantras, yantras and tantra yoga practices aimed to increase kundalini awakening.

Second and third abhisheka will be given during those seminars, having been achieved the second / third degree level in Amehyst Tantra Yoga

Calendar of events

Tantra workshops and courses in Milan

For more information: reikimilano@alice.it

7 February 2016


Location: Via Panfilo Nuvolone, Milan (Italy)

View the event page on Facebook - click here


12-13 March 2016

BASIC TANTRA COURSE (Amethyst Tantra Yoga)

Price: € 60,00

For every person willing to undertake or better know about the Tantric path. Previous trainings, knowledge or personal experiences are not needed.

Exercises for solos (as relaxation, meditation, work with energy) and exercises for couples male-female will be performed.

This course doesn't require a couple subscription: singles can subscrbe. Nevertheless, as Tantric path (and our course) involves also a work on relationships and sexuality, there will be pratctices involving meditation, breathing and massage to be performed in couple man-woman, also without clothes.

During couple exercises, attendees will be paired at random with others attendees of the opposite sex (the random selection will be repeated for every couple exercise in order to achieve promiscuity). For this reason, some subscription request could be rejected in case of discrepancy.

For more information or subscription: send e-mail to reikimilano@alice.it and - in case of subscription request - indicate full names and cell numbers of the aspiring attendees. You'll receive answer or confirmation.

Individual courses and sessions

It is possibile to deal with all the topics below by attending individual courses, even during the week (afternoons or evening till 11 p.m.).

It's also possibile to schedule an appointment for talking about Tantra or receiving a Tantric session.

For more information, please write at : reikimilano@alice.it
Cos'è il Tantra

Tantra cos'è

Dorje Shiayvam Atothas


Fondatore del metodo Amethyst Yoga

Inserito nell'elenco mondiale della pagina Teachers (presence in the world) della World Yoga and Ayurveda community - http://www.worldyogayurveda.net

Insegnante affiliato alla European Yoga Federation


Cos'è il Tantra

Find us on Facebook:

Amethyst Dharma Center Page - Click here

Alessandro Segalini - Click here



Amethyst Yoga Channel


E-mail: reikimilano@alice.it





INFORMATIVA - Il sottoscritto Tantra Master indipendente, dichiara che lo stesso, durante una seduta di pratiche tantriche, oppure durante un seminario / corso di Tantra, non effettua diagnosi mediche o psicologiche, non prescrive né vende né consiglia in alcun modo la somministrazione di farmaci, creme, unguenti o qualunque altro medicamento, e non prevede che la persona sottoposta a trattamento venga costretta ad alcunché.

Lo stesso informa, già in questa sede, e dichiara, che chi riceve un massaggio Tantra o partecipa a un seminario/corso di Tantra viene informato che il metodo, così come praticato e tramandato da questa Scuola in aderenza alla Tradizione orientale comporterà un momento in cui si riceverà l'imposizione delle mani a contatto con il corpo del ricevente senza l'interposizione di indumenti.

Il ricevente è altresì informato che in ogni momento del trattamento o del corso, ove si ritenga invitato a fare o a ricevere qualsiasi cosa che possa disturbarlo, ha il dovere di avvertire l'operatore ed è in piena facoltà di interrompere l'attività. La via Tantrica è una via di libertà e di integrazione, all’insegna della sobrietà e del rispetto di ogni essere umano.

Tantra courses in Milan (Italy)

Tantra in Milan - Italy  Tantra courses

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